Lo scorso weekend, la città di Charlotte, North Carolina, ha visto svolgersi la nuova edizione di Heroes Con, fiera di settore per appassionati del fumetto.
Come al solito la DC non è mancata, e alcuni rappresentanti della publishing house newyorkese, tra cui l’editor Ian Sattler, hanno tenuto una conferenza per soddisfare le curiosità dei fan presenti.
Newsarama ha pubblicato un corposo riassunto dell’evento, che ha toccato brevemente anche temi di interesse per i fan della Legione:
An audience member talked about the $3.99 pricing of all DC books, but Sattler corrected him by saying that is not even the majority of our books with that pricing. We’re still trying to figure it out for you, but definitely not all of them.”
Is there a chance for a Legion ring promotion? Yes, we may get a Legion flight ring in the near future.
Also they are trying to just keep it to one Legion book for right now.
Why couldn’t we keep anything from World of New Krypton? Sattler replied that Mon-El was always going back. Nightwing and Flamebird on the other hand, we might have not have seen the last of. “Just because they’re off camera doesn’t mean they’re gone.”
“[We] are trying to just keep it to one Legion book for right now”. Insomma, si direbbe che l’esperimento della convivenza tra il “volume six” e “Adventure Comics” sia davvero destinato a durare poco, con l’antologica fondata durante la Golden Age ormai indubbiamente destinata a lasciarsi alle spalle la main feature retrospettiva su Lightning Lad e soci.
Ma la speranza è l’ultima a morire, e chissà che le vendite incoraggianti del primo numero della nuova collana legionaria di Levitz e Cinar non inducano la DC, prima o poi, a ripensarci.
Tags: Adventure Comics (vol.III), Gadgets, Heroes Con, Ian Sattler, Legion Flight Ring, Legion of Super-Heroes (vol.VI)
Personally, I am glad they will be working on just one Legion series at this time.
Many other comic book fans and I, included have a very limited budget at this time. I can only get 3-4 comics per month and for some series I trade with other fans so we can get our “comic book fix” as well as keep up with what is going on in the DC Universe.
you do have a point! especially in a time of worldwide economic crisis like the one we live in.
and after seeing the awful way adventure comics #12 was drawn, i’m even less sure a second legion book would be a good idea, right now…
At least Levitz run in Adventure Comics is short lived, it goes on to making Lex Luthor the star for awhile under another writer.
Levitz admits he was challenged by Johns to update/re-write some “old” Legion stories for the present day “new” readers so they can have a working knowledge of the Legion’s past for reference.
i believe lex luthor will be starring action comics, not adventure. anyway, as you well said, it looks like levitz’ run on adventure comics will be short lived nonetheless.