C’è vita su Titano…? (Giusto un po’ il sabato sera!)

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Laghi di idrocarburi su Titano

Laghi di idrocarburi su Titano

Non c’è pace per gli abitanti di Titano!

In un precedente articolo, avevo già riportato le teorie di alcuni scienziati secondo i quali i conterranei di Saturn Girl non potrebbero essere che creature assai puzzolenti – naturalmente, secondo gli standard olfattivi di noi terrestri.

Ora, il sito The New Scientist affronta di nuovo il tema del satellite di Saturno reso celebre da tanta narrativa sci-fi: a quanto pare, infatti, la sonda Cassini avrebbe finalmente trovato le prove della possibile esistenza di forme di vita su Titano.
Tuttavia, come approfondito nel testo a seguire, in quell’habitat non ci sarebbe alcuno spazio per procaci telepati bionde, ma giusto per qualche microbo goloso di idrogeno. Dannata scienza!

Two potential signatures of life on Saturn’s moon Titan have been found by the Cassini spacecraft. But scientists are quick to point out that non-biological chemical reactions could also be behind the observations.

Titan is much too cold to support liquid water on its surface, but some scientists have suggested that exotic life-forms could live in the lakes of liquid methane or ethane that dot the moon’s surface.

In 2005, Chris McKay of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field and Heather R Smith of the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, calculated that such microbes could eke out an existence by breathing in hydrogen gas and eating the organic molecule acetylene, creating methane in the process.

This would result in a lack of acetylene on Titan and a depletion of hydrogen close to the moon’s surface, where the microbes would live, they said.

Now, measurements from the Cassini spacecraft have borne out these predictions, hinting that life may be present.

La domanda di fondo è vecchia quando l’uomo: c’è vita nell’universo? In attesa di incontri ravvicinati, la migliore risposta a questo eterno dilemma rimane secondo me quella data da Corrado Guzzanti in questo mitico sketch televisivo:

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4 Responses to “C’è vita su Titano…? (Giusto un po’ il sabato sera!)”

  1. valerie21601 scrive:

    I tried watching the skit though I don’t understand Italian, hoping I could at least follow along, maybe get figure it out as it went on but since it’s mostly speaking, I can’t. Mr. Kayak could you give me a outline of what he’s saying in his skit?

    Thank you,


  2. Mr. Kayak scrive:

    i’m happy to help, valerie :-)

    in this video, corrado guzzanti (huge italian satirist!) plays a drifter who all of a sudden decided to found a new religion. of course it’s impled that the character has no idea of religion whatsoever, he just fools people to make money. still, more and more people call him on the phone for spiritual advice.

    one of the very first people calling in the video ask the wannabe prophet if his religion believes in extraterrestrial life:
    “master, is there any life in outer space?”
    “what dou you think?”
    “i can’t believe we’re all alone…!”
    “yes, that’s it, we’re all alone”
    “so there’s no life at all out there?”
    “well, just a bit on saturday night”

    LOL 😛

    (corrado, sorry for my unworthy adaptation! 😛 )

  3. Jimmy Olsen scrive:

    Se ci fossero veramente signorine belle come Imra su Saturno io prenderei la prima navicella e mi trasferirei lì! ( magari la trovo con l’abito della Silver Age…*_*….1958….a quei tempi si che sapevano disegnare costumi eheh ^_-).

  4. valerie21601 scrive:

    I thought your translation was very good. I thought it was funny.

    I enjoy listening to Italians speak Italian though I can’t understand it in general, the hand gestures and the body language especially when emotions run high. Reminds me of this Italian couple and their family, I used to know always arguing so passionately but always getting along together so well at the same time.