Superman: War of the Supermen #0
Nel weekend centrale del mese di marzo si è svolta a Seattle la Emerald City ComiCon – il riferimento credo sia alla capitale del regno di OZ dei romanzi di L. F. Baum – importante fiera di settore che ha ospitato, tra le altre, alcune conferenze (o “panel”) da parte di autori ed editor DC Comics.
Il valido Superman Homepage ha raccolto le informazioni legionarie trapelate dal panel principale, il “DC Nation”, presentato dal baffuto direttorissimo Dan DiDio:
Didio mentioned that the generational gaps with certain characters can be the DC Universe’s great strength and also a weakness. There was much discussion that some readers are turned off by a certain version of The Flash or The Legion of Superheroes, but stressed that if it’s a good story, it should remind the reader why he or she loved The Legion or The Flash in the first place. The goal is to find one strong interpretation and build the fan base around that. It alienates some people, but that’s not at all the goal. Palmiotti added that he embraces how some creators can take one version and rework it into something fresh and cool.
Adventure Comics will feature a “Secret Origin” story of the Legion, and they will also have their own title back soon. Although it’s in no way Superman related, Batwoman will finally receive her own title as well.
Nell’occasione, il neo Publisher italoamericano ha pure accontentato i lettori che nelle ultime settimane hanno richiesto a gran voce, in lungo e in largo per la rete, dei gadget a tema legionario:
Thanks to the popularity of the Lantern Rings as promotional items, there will be a Legion of Superheroes ring available soon, as well as a Flash ring. I asked if there would be a “Supermen of America” ring like the limited edition ones from the 1940’s and someone asked about an Alan Scott/Green Lantern ring, but the answer to both was “no.”
Ora che la Legione è rientrata a pieno titolo nei ranghi della Superman Family, però, le conferenze da tenere d’occhio alla ricerca di notizie su Saturn Girl e soci sono soprattutto quelle dedicate in maniera specifica all’Uomo d’Acciaio. In questo senso, il tema al centro della discussione a Seattle è stato War of the Supermen, l’evento-lampo che terrà banco nella mega-fiction kryptoniana il prossimo maggio. Dei legionari, la storyline coinvolgerà soprattutto Mon-El, come suggerisce la presenza del personaggio nell’immagine promozionale riportata qua in alto. Ecco la sintesi del report di Comic Book Resources:
The heroic Mon-El will vanish from current-day continuity after Adventure Comics No. 11, due in May. Scripting legend Paul Levitz will take over the character for the new “Legion of Super-Heroes,” set in the 31st century. “We’re basically giving him all of those things he created back,” Robinson said.
Infine, sempre a proposito dell’eroico daxamita, CBR ha anche realizzato un’intervista in due parti (la seconda è a questo link) a James Robinson e Sterling Gates, autori della saga prequel di “War of the Supermen”: si tratta di Last Stand of New Krypton, inizialmente annunciata con il titolo di Brainiac and the Legion of Super-Heroes. Per leggere alcuni estratti dall’intervista, basta cliccare qui di seguito.
From the solicitations and what’s been building all along, the Legion of Super-Heroes plays a role, as well, in “Last Stand of New Krypton.” The team is massive. Do you focus on a core few?
SG: It’s funny, but I never really liked Tellus and Quislet. They were Legionnaires I just never really got into. Which is fine, that’s one of the brilliant things about the Legion, there are so many characters to like, there are bound to be a couple you don’t like.When we sat down to figure out this story, I looked at the fact that James and Geoff had been using Tellus a lot – whether it was “Adventure Comics” or “Superman” or “Guardian Special” – and I set out to use Tellus in such a way that would make me like him. And I wanted to use Quislet in such a way that would get me to enjoy Quislet, so that was my goal.
Between the scenes I did with Tellus in “Adventure Comics” #9 and the scene I did with Quislet in “Adventure Comics” #10, I really grew to enjoy those two, and now I want to use those characters even more.
Brainiac 5 was another character that I was very interested in, but very nervous to write. He’s a character that whoever writes him falls in love with writing him, and with good reason. He’s a blast to write. He’s an extremely smart man, and his snide, know-it-all attitude sings out from the page. I’ve known some exceptionally smart people in my life, and all of them struggled with their emotions from time to time, so that’s how I’m approaching Brainiac 5. Especially in regards to how he is around Supergirl in “Supergirl” #52.
Fans of Supergirl and fans of the Legion know there’s something there between them, and it’s gonna be a lot of fun to see the rapport between those two. We’re not reestablishing their relationship that issue, per se, but instead, we’re going to…
JR: You’re giving too much away.
SG: Oh. Yeah, you’re probably right. Well, uh, Supergirl/Brainiac 5 fans, give “Supergirl” #52 a read! [laughs]
And will you be exploring the Brainiac/Brainiac 5 relationship in “Last Stand of New Krypton?”
JR: Sterling had way more of a hard on to work with Brainiac 5 than me and I was the one that said, “You have to write the ultimate Brainiac vs. Brainiac 5 battle of wits and intelligence” And you’ll see that play out in “Supergirl” #52.
SG: And what I think the best thing about that is that, in that equation, Supergirl is the X factor. I took what James said to me and said, “That would be awesome, but what happens when Supergirl is in the mix?” And you’ll see that play out. It becomes a battle between Brainiac 5 and Supergirl versus Brainiac, and it’s a big Braini-hullaboo.
James, you’ve featured Mon-El in “Superman” for the past year. Does he play a role in “Last Stand?”
JR: “Last Stand of New Krypton” and the issues of “Superman” that are part of the over-riding story clue us into one of the things that is part of Mon-El’s destiny in the 21st Century. Ultimately, although he has a part in the war, his story is over by the end of “Adventure Comics” #11. I’ve already written the end of it, fans of Mon-El and the Legion of Super-Heroes will love the last page.
And does the end of Mon-El’s story have anything to do with the solicitation for “Last Stand of New Krypton” #3 that states: “But a victory for New Krypton means a devastating loss for the Legion?”
SG: Our response is a very big “No comment.”
Sterling, you’re sticking around with “Supergirl,” and I understand there is some big news coming this weekend out of Emerald City Con, but James, you’re leaving “Superman” after #700, handing off to JMS. I know you are a huge fan of the Man of Steel – is it difficult to be leaving?
JR: I’m very excited he’s coming on. I’m sure he’ll do a great job. And I can’t wait to be a fan and a reader of “Superman” again and not the writer.
It’s strange for me that I’m the writer that never really wrote Superman for any length of time and I’m more known as the writer of Mon-El. But I think history will show that’s kind of a cool thing. I was always completely into the idea of Mon-El, and with “Adventure” #11, we’ll see the end of it. And hopefully, the readers and the fans will appreciate everything that I’ve done.
I’ll still be staying in the world of Super-characters as Supergirl will be the Super-character in “Justice League of America” for the foreseeable future.
Tags: Brainiac, Brainiac & The Legion of Super-Heroes, Brainiac 5, Emerald City ComiCon, Interviste, James Robinson, Last Stand of New Krypton, Mon-El, Sterling Gates, Supergirl, Supergirl (vol.IV), Vril Dox II, War of the Supermen
ti confesserò che in effetti i dettagli dettagliati dei retroscena nascosti dietro le quinte della legion non sono esattamente il mio interesse principale e precipuo, soprattutto appena sveglio (ma come! alle 2? sì, appena sveglio).
tuttavia, ascoltato dalla lettrice automatica, tutto acquisisce un senso nuovo. ammetto che mi sono piegato, anche se forse non era lo scopo per cui l’hai messa.
btw, la voglio anche io!
viva la legion!
nizza e savoia all’italia!