Se la Marvel ha approfittato della convention C2E2, tenutasi a Chicago lo scorso weekend, per annunciare tonnellate di nuovi progetti tra serie e miniserie, la DC non è certo stata a guardare.
In questo caso, più della quantità ha fatto la qualità: l’annuncio è stato uno solo, ma epocale. Ecco la sconvolgente rivelazione che ha fatto tremare d’emozione i fan della DC, direttamente dalla bocca del vate Geoff Johns:
Q: Who’s the Brave, who’s the Bold? Johns: Hal’s brave, Barry’s bold. Schlagman: It’s official!
La frequentazione delle conferenze DC alle fiere di settore si dimostra sempre più interessante e appagante. A dimostrarlo, le incredibili novità emerse anche sul fronte legionario, come evidentziato dal seguente report del DC Universe panel:
“I filled my brain with too many Legionnaires and home planets,” Levitz joked, about his return to “Legion of Super Heroes.” He said he enjoyed the power of god that a writer enjoys over his characters. “When you go to a high school reunion, you don’t really get to decide who had a failed marriage.”
Will we see the traveling Legion or the Legion in the past in Levitz’s “Legion?” Levitz said that his book will pick up a lot of the material established by Geoff Johns, but the specific points the fan mentioned were addressed by Robinson in “Adventure Comics.”
A fan asked Levitz whether his business experience now makes him think about whether his writing will sell. “As a writer, you want to write something that’s going to get that applause. The most lucrative assignment I ever got was the Superman newspaper strip… which was dropped by the syndicate the day I took over. That was the hardest thing to write, because I’d never met another human who read it.” He said he did want his work to sell and succeed, though, as it was good to make a royalty. “But I’m glad I no longer have to worry about the bottom line.”
Ancora scossi dalla notizia che Paul Levitz, scriba di “Adventure Comics” e “Legion of Super-Heroes”, intenda realizzare materiale vendibile (Paul, ma sei sicuro? Non avrai mica preso qualche virus influenzale?), salpiamo verso i lidi di Newsarama per un’ulteriore estratto-shock dal DCU panel:
Q: What’s up with the various Legion teams? Levitz: A lot of what I’m doing is picking up on recent arcs on Superboy as well as Legion of Three Worlds — Earth Man is big in the first arc, Gates transports people around in the second arc, Shrinking Violet will vomit as a result.
Ecco dunque la vera bomba levitziana: Shrinking Violet vomiterà! Giuro, ho la pelle d’oca. Che sia questa storyline la prima traccia del progetto di conquista delle classifiche Diamond recentemente confessato dal boss DC Dan DiDio? La risposta alla prossima convenscion…