Anteprima di "Justice League of America" (vol.II) #38, disegni di Mark Bagley
James Robinson, attuale penna di “Superman”, ha fatto due chiacchiere coi ragazzi di Comic Book Resources a proposito del suo prossimo impegno cartaceo, sull’ammiraglia DC di “Justice League of America” (vol. II).
Il rooster della Lega subirà una bella mescolata già dai primi numeri della nuova gestione, come già trattato da me in questo articolo della scorsa settimana. Tra i nuovi arrivi, con buona soddisfazione del fandom legionario, il potente daxamita Mon-El. Yay!
Nel popolo della rete, però, non tutti hanno risposto col mio stesso entusiasmo alle novità all’orizzonte. Criticando in special modo la scelta di “promuovere” ai ranghi della JLA numerosi membri storici dei Giovani Titani.
Nei canali telematici dedicati al principale super-team della DC Comics, la domanda che risuona è: quali motivazioni, letterarie e non, si celano dietro la seleçao dello sceneggiatore britannico? Ecco cosa l’interessato ha risposto sulle pagine online di CBR:
So, James, will the formation of your JLA roster start to take shape in your current ongoing miniseries, “Justice League: Cry for Justice”?
Elements of “Cry for Justice,” plot points, fall right into “Justice League of America.” As you’ll see in the first issue, “Justice League of America” #38, I basically inherit the old team. That’s already in the aftermath of “Cry for Justice.” And then, we have the “Blackest Night” issues in #39 and #40. And then it’s only after that’s done, in issue #41 in January, where there’s a six-part arc where you’ll see the team come together and form from the various places – the team from “Cry for Justice,” the team that’s in the book at the moment and then obviously some of the new characters, like Donna, Batman and Mon-El. That all leads into a crossover with “R.E.B.E.L.S.” at the end of those six issues, in #45 and #46.
Let’s speak about those three characters. What do you see are the differences and perhaps similarities between the classic Trinity of Superman, Batman and Robin and – let’s call them Trinity 2.0 – Mon-El, Dick Grayson and Donna Troy.
I think one of the differences is that Mon-El is the least comfortable in the situation which he is in, which is part of the World’s Greatest Team. Whereas, for Superman, it’s a role he takes on very naturally. […]
Does the fact that Superman, Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman aren’t on the team as part of that core group allow you to move along in the book at your own pace a bit easier, since you won’t be so tied to the major events of DCU?
No, like I said, I actually like that aspect. Obviously, at some point, Superman is going to come back. And when he is, he’ll be back in the Justice League and the events in the “Superman” book will reflect accordingly in the “Justice League of America” book. […]
You sound like you have some real long-term plans for this book. How far along do you have it mapped out?
Well, I could always get kicked off if I do a bad job. That’s obviously a fact of life, but if I’m not asked to leave, I’m not planning on going any time soon. Because I know what’s coming ahead for the DC Universe and for the Justice League world within that universe, there’s just a lot of fun stuff coming up. I have plans for the team. I have a definite direction I want to take this book. I want to keep it fun.
I’m also lucky that I have Mark Bagley as my artist because A) he can do a monthly book and B) we’ve been talking about the possibly of doing the annual too so it feels like the old Jack Kirby/Stan Lee thing when they would do “Fantastic Four” and then they would also do the annual. It just felt like a part of one big event. We’d like to do that, so hopefully we’ll be giving the readers what they want.
Il ciclo di Robison e Bagley avrà inizio su “Justice League of America” (vol. II) #38, nei comics shop americani dal 21 ottobre prossimo.