Legion of Super-Villains #1
Per non finire l’anno con troppi sospesi, pongo il sigillo finale sul 2010 con uno sguardo alle uscite legionarie di Febbraio e Marzo prossimi, che da diverso tempo attendevano il loro turno di sfilare su queste pagine.
Il materiale da tenere d’occhio è davvero molto, e lascia presagire una primavera assai succosa per tutti gli aficionados del team futuribile. A partire da Legion of Super-Villains #1, di Levitz e Portela, one-shot marzolino che, a quanto pare, dovrebbe aprire le danze di un importante evento Legion-related. Che sia forse di Flashpoint, l’imminente crossover di Geoff Johns che si prospetta giocato sui viaggi nel tempo?
Personalmente, tuttavia, le uscite che ho marcato con maggior impazienza sul calendario sono quelle di Adventure Comics #523 e #524, primi due capitoli della storyline sulla Legion Academy che tanto mi ha impressionato nella sua anteprima di due mesi fa sul “volume six”. Oltre alla presenza tra gli autori del solito Levitz, da sottolineare sul versante artistico quella di Phil Jimenez, penciler di ottimo livello già ammirato in anni recenti su “Astonishing X-Men” e “Amazing Spider-Man”.
A proposito di “Adventure Comics”, una piccola segnalazione off-topic: i collezionisti dello storico titolo DC tengano conto che la backup feature su Atomo terminerà in uno speciale ad hoc, Giant-Size Atom #1. Se vi siete appassionati a questa storia, quindi, non fatevi sfuggire quest’albo, di Jeff “Superboy” Lemire e Mahmud Asrar.
Proseguono inoltre, come di consueto, la collana regolare dedicata a Saturn Girl e soci – ricordate dunque di prenotare Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. VI) #10 e #11, di Levitz e Cinar – e lo spin-off R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol. II), di Bedard e St. Aubin, che nei numeri #25 e #26 vedrà il ritorno di – ulp! – Starro il Conquistatore.
Per concludere, una sfilza di segnalazoni nella zona volumi. Le più significative sono Legion of Super-Heroes: The Choice HC, che ristampa il primo ciclo di storie del “volume six” levitziano; Superman/Batman: Worship TP, che raccoglie l’osceno team-up coi World’s Finest recensito a suo tempo in questo articolo; e Superman: Codename Patriot TP, versione brossurata dell’hardcover già edito l’anno scorso e che vede Mon-El tra i co-protagonisti.
Booster Gold: Past Imperfect TP, di Giffen/DeMatteis e Batista, e Time Masters: Vanishing Point TP, di Dan Jurgens, contengono invece dei meri camei della Legione, brevissimi ma comunque simpatici.
Per leggere i testi completi delle solicitations appena discusse, cliccate il link di seguito. E un buon San Silvestro a tutti!
![]() Adventure Comics #523 ADVENTURE COMICS #523 Phil Jimenez (INFINITE CRISIS, Amazing Spider-Man) launches an arc starring the rookies as they learn to be heroes at Legion Academy! This gorgeous issue marks a perfect jumping-on point for any new reader curious to learn about the DC Universe of the 31st century! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale February 2, 2011 |
![]() Adventure Comics #524 ADVENTURE COMICS #524 Paul Levitz (LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES) and Phil Jimenez (INFINITE CRISIS) continue their “Legion Academy” arc starring Legionnaires in training! And the Taurus Gang resurfaces with dark ties to the Academy! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale March 2, 2011 |
![]() Legion of Super-Heroes (vol.VI) #10 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #10 The Durlan plot against the United Planets comes to a very deadly conclusion, as Chameleon Boy must dive into battle with one of his own kind! And what this final assassin reveals will stun the shape-shifting Legionnaire! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale February 16, 2011 |
![]() Legion of Super-Heroes (vol.VI) #11 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #11 A jam-packed extravaganza! Star Boy returns from the 21st century! Sensor Girl searches for Karate Kid! The team trails the escaped Legion of Super-Villains! And Saturn Girl seeks Harmonia Li’s blood—and the reason why will shock you! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale March 23, 2011 |
![]() Legion of Super-Villains #1 LEGION OF SUPER-VILLAINS This 31st century team of psychopaths returns! Now led by Saturn Queen, they break out of the prison world Takron-Galtos to wreak havoc on the United Planets. DCU fans won’t want to miss this one-shot, which sets up a major 2011 storyline that’ll shake the universe! DC Universe | 48pg. | Color | $4.99 US On Sale March 9, 2011 |
![]() R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II) #25 R.E.B.E.L.S. #25 Starro the Conqueror returns to rebuild his empire, and his first act of revenge against super-genius Vril Dox is to turn him into a mind-slave. Meanwhile, with his rebel crew in hot pursuit, Lobo thinks he’s discovered another Czarnian! But he’s the last of his race…isn’t he? DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale February 9, 2011 |
![]() R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II) #26 R.E.B.E.L.S. #26 Vril Dox: mind-slave to Starro the Conqueror. Adam Strange: a failure as leader. Lobo: M.I.A. If you think things couldn’t get worse for our rebellious team of space-cops, think again. Their only hope lies in a mindless monster and a traitorous teenaged super-genius. DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale March 16, 2011 |
![]() Legion of Super-Heroes: The Choice HC LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: THE CHOICE Picking up on threads from Geoff Johns’s “Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes” storyline and tying into events from GREEN LANTERN CORPS, this new LEGION hardcover collects the first 6 issues of the new series. This volume includes the unwelcome debut of new Legionnaire Earth-Man, the kidnapping of Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad’s twins, the revelation of a new Green Lantern and much more! DC Universe | 224pg. | Color | Hardcover | $24.99 US On Sale April 20, 2011 |
![]() Booster Gold: Past Imperfect TP BOOSTER GOLD: PAST IMPERFECT The shocking events of JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST leave Booster Gold bloody and beaten in these tales from issues #32-38. The only way for him to put right what went wrong and save the people he loves is to travel back into the past. But what happens when Booster comes face-to-face with himself and Justice League International? DC Universe | 168pg. | Color | Softcover | $17.99 US On Sale April 13, 2011 |
![]() Superman/Batman: Worship TP SUPERMAN/BATMAN: WORSHIP While The Man of Steel’s godlike presence on another world is perverted by Lex Luthor, zealous Superman followers look to make human sacrifices in his name back on Earth. Can Batman save the first victim before it’s too late? Find out in these tales from issues #72-75! Plus, in a future epic taken from the sold-out SUPERMAN/BATMAN ANNUAL #4, Terry McGinnis must uncover what’s happening in Superman’s home and face a very old – and vindictive – villain! Superman | 160pg. | Color | Softcover | $17.99 US On Sale April 20, 2011 |
![]() Superman: Codename Patriot TP SUPERMAN: CODENAME PATRIOT Superman’s pal Jimmy Olsen takes center stage in this new collection of tales from SUPERMAN’S PAL JIMMY OLSEN SPECIAL #2, SUPERMAN #691, SUPERGIRL #44, ACTION COMICS #880 and SUPERMAN: WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON #6. Superman | 144pg. | Color | Softcover | $14.99 US On Sale April 13, 2011 |
![]() Time Masters: Vanishing Point TP TIME MASTERS: VANISHING POINT With Batman lost in time, DC’s top heroes must search throughout history to find him – and keep time from tearing itself apart! Rip Hunter puts together a high-powered band of Time Masters to travel through history in search of the World’s Greatest Detective, but can even the combined power of Superman, Green Lantern and Booster Gold help the Time Masters pinpoint where Batman went at the end of FINAL CRISIS? Collecting the 6-issue miniseries! DC Comics | 144pg. | Color | Softcover | $14.99 US On Sale April 6, 2011 |
Tags: Aaron Lopresti, Adventure Comics (vol.III), Andy Lanning, Booster Gold, Chris Batista, Claude St. Aubin, Codename: Patriot, Dan Jurgens, Daniel HDR, Francis Portela, J. M. DeMatteis, James Robinson, Jerry Ordway, Keith Giffen, Legion Academy, Legion of Super-Heroes (vol.VI), Legion of Super-Villains, Paul Levitz, Phil Jimenez, R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II), Rip Hunter, Solicitations, Starro The Conqueror, Superman/Batman, Tony Bedard, Yildiray Cinar