The Brave and the Bold (vol.II) #34
Le solicitations delle uscite DC del prossimo maggio, visionabili per intero su Comic Book Resources, segnano l’inizio di una stagione ricca di novità legionarie.
Alla feature su Adventure Comics (vol. III) #11, che in attesa dell’arrivo di Paul Levitz è curata dai “supplenti” James Robinson e Bernard Chang, si aggiunge infatti con Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. VI) #1, dello stesso Levitz e di Yildirai Cinar, una nuova collana ad hoc per l’equipe di Cosmic Boy e soci.
Ma non è tutto: il team futuribile sarà presente, nella sua incarnazione Silver Age, anche su The Brave and the Bold (vol. II) #34, primo episodio di un team-up in due parti scritto da J. M. Straczynski e illustrato da Jesús Saiz.
Buone nuove anche per i fanatici di Mon-El, la cui epopea da protettore di Metropolis sta per concludersi in crescendo. Tutti gli indizi portano a credere che il climax di questa lunga storyline avverrà sulle pagine di Superman: War of the Supermen (#1, #2, #3 e #4), miniserie evento che a maggio sostituirà sugli scaffali dei comics shop le consuete uscite dedicate all’Uomo del Domani.
A partire da questa attesa saga, dovrebbe inoltre svilupparsi un incontro tra la “Family” dell’azzurrone e i personaggi di R.E.B.E.L.S. (a maggio in uscita il #16). Ecco come l’autore della collana dedicata a Vril Dox II, Tony Bedard, descrive al solito CBR la genesi di questa trovata narrativa:
Any chance “Green Lantern Corps” will crossover with either of those popular team books because I believe there was a “Justice League of America”/”R.E.B.E.L.S.” crossover planned at some point?
The “Justice League of America”/”R.E.B.E.L.S.” thing has evolved as the “War of the Supermen” event evolved, and James Robinson will end up handling Vril Dox’s role in the fate of New Krypton himself.
Possibili avvistamenti di Mon-El anche sulle pagine di Justice League of America (vol. II) #45, di Robinson e Bagley.
Sul fronte delle ristampe, infine, da segnalare solo la riproposta al prezzo di un solo dollaro dell’ormai storico Action Comics #858, di Geoff Johns e Gary Frank.
I testi ufficiali di accompagnamento e le immagini relative ai titoli appena elencati sono, come sempre, disponibili nel resto dell’articolo.
![]() Adventure Comics (vol.III) #11 ADVENTURE COMICS #11 Mon-El’s final task affects the future of the entire universe! Plus, Brainiac 5 and R.E.B.E.L.S. leader Brainiac 2 confront their evil ancestor – the original Brainiac! DC Universe | 40pg. | Color | $3.99 US On Sale May 12, 2010 |
![]() The Brave and the Bold (vol.II) #34 THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #34 Don’t miss this first chapter of a most unexpected two-parter! This wouldn’t be the first instance where the Legion of Super-Heroes have gone back in time looking to add to their ranks. But the sheer craziness the Doom Patrol will bring into their lives just might make that it the last time… and the Legion’s mission will lead to some rather unexpected consequences next issue! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale May 19, 2010 |
![]() Legion of Super-Heroes (vol.VI) #1 THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #1 Fan-favorite LEGION writer Paul Levitz returns to the 31st century super team he made supreme with an all-new intergalactic era! This exciting series picks up on threads from Geoff Johns’s “Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes” storyline and creates its own all-new ones, including a Green Lantern Corps tie-in and the destruction of a major planet! Rocket on board here as Levitz and rising star artist Yildiray Cinar (TEEN TITANS) revitalize one of DC’s most beloved franchises starting with an oversized first issue with a Variant cover by superstar artist Jim Lee! DC Universe | 48pg. | Color | $3.99 US On Sale May 19, 2010 |
![]() Justice League of America (vol.II) #45 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #45 A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! Supergirl rejoins the JLA as incredible, ancient forces of chaos are unleashed. What could posses her and Power Girl to battle to the death? And what horrors await the rest of the Justice League and Justice Society in this prologue to “The Ghosts of Earth and Space”?! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $3.99 US On Sale May 19, 2010 |
![]() R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II) #16 R.E.B.E.L.S. #16 “What Happens in Vega…” part 2! In the wake of cosmic cataclysm, super-genius Vril Dox rebuilds his space police force L.E.G.I.O.N., his latest world-shaking move putting him right in the cross hairs of everyone across the Vega Sector. But they’ll have to get in line behind the wrath of Blackfire! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale May 12, 2010 |
![]() Superman: War of the Supermen #1 SUPERMAN: WAR OF THE SUPERMEN #1 (OF 4) The Battle for New Krypton! This is it! The storyline the SUPERMAN books have been building to since 2008 has arrived! Superman has never faced such a difficult challenge – how can he stop the two worlds he loves from destroying each other? General Zod has been waiting for another shot at Earth for years, and with 100,000 supermen on his side, it looks like it’s his war to win! But on Earth, General Lane has an ace up his sleeve that will level the playing field quite nicely! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale May 5, 2010 |
![]() Superman: War of the Supermen #2 SUPERMAN: WAR OF THE SUPERMEN #2 (OF 4) The Battle for Mars! With Superman having left the Kryptonian military to try to stop the war, General Zod needs a new Commander El – enter Supergirl! As Zod’s army gets closer to Earth, the battlefield shifts to Mars where Superman must confront his cousin! Neither wants to fight, but both will do what they must for the sake of what they think is right! Meanwhile, Superboy knows what he must do to stop this war – even if it means becoming hated by both planets! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale May 12, 2010 |
![]() Superman: War of the Supermen #3 SUPERMAN: WAR OF THE SUPERMEN #3 (OF 4) The Battle for Earth! All of Earth’s heroes must make one last stand against the Kryptonians while Superboy and Steel try exposing the evils of General Lane! But will they be branded traitors? DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale May 19, 2010 |
![]() Superman: War of the Supermen #4 SUPERMAN: WAR OF THE SUPERMEN #4 (OF 4) The Battle for Survival! Supergirl vs. Ursa! Superboy vs. Non! And Superman vs. Zod! The fate of two worlds will be decided here! In the end, can Superman save either? DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale May 26, 2010 |
![]() Action Comics #858 (new printing) ACTION COMICS #858 (NEW PRINTING) The Man of Tomorrow teams up with the 31st century’s greatest heroes in this opening chapter of the “Superman and The Legion of Super-Heroes” epic. But what has The Legion been up to since Superman last saw them? Reprinted for just $1.00, this issue is featured in the SUPERMAN AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES TP. Superman | 40pg. | Color | $1.00 US On Sale May 19, 2010 |
Tags: Aaron Lopresti, Action Comics (vol.I), Adventure Comics (vol.III), Bernard Chang, Claude St. Aubin, Eddy Barrows, Eduardo Pansica, Gary Frank, Geoff Johns, J. M. Straczynski, Jamal Igle, James Robinson, Jesús Saiz, Jim Lee, Justice League of America (vol.II), Kalman Andrasofszky, Legion of Super-Heroes (vol.VI), Mark Bagley, Mark Buckingham, Paul Levitz, R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II), Solicitations, Sterling Gates, The Brave and the Bold (vol.II), Tony Bedard, War of the Supermen, Yildiray Cinar