Superman #696
Gennaio 2010, la fine di un’era. Iniziata appena sei mesi prima, con l’esordio di Geoff Johns e Francis Manapul sulle pagine di “Adventure Comics” (vol. III). Purtroppo, le vendite non sono state all’altezza delle potenzialità già espresse dal golden boy di “Justice Society of America” e “Green Lantern” (ne riparlerò più approfonditamente, dati alla mano, in un imminente articolo), spingendo l’editore a un inevitabile rimpasto.
Con Adventure Comics (vol. III) #6, per il secondo mese consecutivo, il duo di autori uscente è stato perciò costretto a sfruttare anche lo spazio altrimenti previsto per la backup story della Legione. Pena, l’impossibilità di donare un finale coerente alla loro storia, forzatamente “accorciata”. E, dal prossimo mese, bye bye Geoff & Francis. Una lacrima sul viso.
L’ultima tornata di solicitations DC, il cui elenco completo è visibile comodamente sul sito Comic Book Resources, offre ai Legion junkies in crisis di astinenza quantomeno la consolazione degli spin-off.
Si parte con Action Comics #885, di Greg Rucka, Eric Trautmann e Pere Pérez, e Superman #696, di James Robinson e Cliff Chiang. I due albi compongono un’unica storia, con protagonisti Mon-El, Nightwing e Flamebird; allo stesso tempo, però, il secondo rientra anche nella storyline “Man of Valor”. Oh, basta che ci capiscano loro…!
Infine, dopo aver sfruttato il più a lungo possibile il traino del crossover “Blackest Night”, con R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol. II) #12 si torna al consueto percorso di Vril Dox II e soci, su e giù per gli spazi siderali del DC Universe. La concorrenza ringrazia. Testi di Tony Bedard, disegni di Claude St. Aubin.
Concludo segnalando che l’annuncio dell’ultimo numero della miniserie World’s Finest (vol. II) chiude definitivamente ogni speranza di vedere Mon-El anche su queste pagine. Poco male, ma ad averlo saputo prima…!
Per controllare le solicits integrali degli albi appena segnalati, rimando al link qui di seguito.
![]() Action Comics #885 ACTION COMICS #885
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric Trautmann; co-feature written by James Robinson and Greg Rucka; Art by Pere Pérez; co-feature Art by CAFU; Cover by CAFU With a new lease on life, Nightwing and Flamebird return to Metropolis determined to hunt down one of General Zod’s few remaining sleeper agents. Continued in SUPERMAN #696! And in the co-feature, Captain Atom is back on Earth, but his struggle to break his ties with Mirabai and Project 7734 aren’t over yet. Guest-starring Metropolis’s own super-powered protector, Mon-El! And check out the connecting cover art on these two issues! Superman | 40pg. | Color | $3.99 US On Sale January 13, 2010 |
![]() Adventure Comics (vol.III) #6 ADVENTURE COMICS #6 Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul say goodbye (for now) to Superboy with a spectacular 30-page issue! Ever since Superboy returned from the grave, he has been obsessed with Lex Luthor, believing that there must be some good in the master villain somewhere. So for Luthor, it’s time to put up or shut up. With Superman off planet, it’s time to do some good for the planet earth. Superboy is willing to do what it takes to make Lex’s dreams come true, but what Superboy will discover is that one man’s dreams, are another man’s nightmares. DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $3.99 US On Sale January 13, 2010 |
![]() R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II) #12 R.E.B.E.L.S. #12 In the aftermath of their BLACKEST NIGHT encounter, Vril Dox and his team realize they must kill Starro the Conqueror. It’s a job that requires three dangerous missions led by Dox, Captain Comet and Adam Strange, who will face loss, treachery and the overwhelming might of Starro’s conquering horde. DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale January 13, 2010 |
![]() Superman #696 SUPERMAN #696 “Man of Valor” Part 3! Picking up plot threads from ACTION COMICS #885, the Guardian, Nightwing and Flamebird are hot on the trail of General Zod’s Metropolis sleeper agent. But just as they’re about to uncover who the sleeper is, tragedy strikes, which leads to a completely different revelation. Seeds for this issue’s surprising twist were planted all the way back in James Robinson’s first issue – so don’t miss it! Superman | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale January 27, 2010 |
Tags: Action Comics (vol.I), Adventure Comics (vol.III), Bernard Chang, Cafu, Claude St. Aubin, Eric Trautmann, Greg Rucka, James Robinson, Mon-El: Man of Valor, Nightwing & Flamebird, Pere Pérez, R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol.II), Scott Hanna, Solicitations, Starro The Conqueror, Superboy I (Clark Kent), Superboy II (Kon-El), Superman (vol.I), World's Finest (vol.II)