Avvistamenti legionari: uscite di dicembre 2009

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Superboy: The Greatest Team-Ups Ever Told TP

Un tempo Dicembre era il mese della neve, delle caldarroste e dei regali. La prima, ormai, si può trovare facilmente tutto l’anno. Sui ghiacciai perenni, sulle cime di qualche località sciistica ben attrezzata coi “cannoni”, o nei bagni del privè dell’Hollywood. E non so nel resto d’Italia, ma a Milano già si avvistano i primi barbecue ambulanti di castagne, nonostante le giornate siano ancora molto, troppo, calde.
Restano i regali, dunque. Magari, da scegliere tra le solicitations natalizie della DC Comics (ne trovate l’elenco completo sul sito Comic Book Resources). Peccato che nella checklist non compaia nemmeno mezza storia inedita della Legione. Inizia una serie nella serie: quella dell’astinenza da 31esimo secolo.

Come ben ricorderanno gli aficionados del blog, il duo di Geoff Johns e Francis Manapul ha annunciato il suo abbandono ad “Adventure Comics” (vol. III), attuale dimora di Lightning Lad e soci, in favore della nuova serie del velocista scarlatto. A sostituirli, dopo qualche mese di inevitabile interregno, sarà la gallina vecchia Paul Levitz, ormai libero dai precedenti impegni di alto dirigente DC.
Impossibilitati a portare a compimento il loro ciclo di storie come pianificato in origine, gli attuali autori spremeranno quindi il più possibile ogni tavola loro rimasta, per chiudere perlomeno il cerchio della feature principale, dedicata a Superboy/Kon-El. Come confermato via podcast dallo stesso Manapul, Adventure Comics (vol. III) #5 e #6 saranno interamente rivolti alla figura del Ragazzo d’Acciaio, fatta eccezione per un’improrogabile parentesi dicembrina dedicata al crossover “Blackest Night”.
Per gli albi successivi, invece, pare ormai deciso un menu “fill-in” legato alla Super-saga “New Krypton”, come già suggerito in rete da Dan DiDio. Sob. La via crucis legionaria continua.

A consolare gli aficionados in piena saudade ci pensano giusto i soliti spin-off: R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol. II) #11, di Bedard e St. Aubin, e Superman #595, di Robinson e Dagnino.
Possibili camei, invece, potrebbero verificarsi sulle pagine di World’s Finest (vol. II) #3, di Gates e Igle; Superman: Secret Origin #4, di Johns e Frank; Justice League of America (vol. II) #40, di Robinson e Bagley.

Sul fronte dei volumi, trovano conferma le anticipazioni già riferite dal sottoscritto qualche settimana fa in questo articolo. Ecco dunque fare finalmente scena in catalogo R.E.B.E.L.S. vol. 1: The Coming of Starro TP, prima raccolta della collana di Bedard, Clarke e St. Aubin; Superman: Mon-El vol. 1 HC, di Robinson e AA. VV.; ma soprattutto Superboy: The Greatest Team-Ups Ever Told TP, di AA. VV., attesissimo “best of” dell’indimenticato eroe Silver Age. Un messaggio ad amici e parenti: non fate a botte per regalarmi questo paperback, basta mettersi d’accordo e fare una colletta.

Per dare un’occhiata ai testi completi delle solicits Legion-related, basta cliccare qui di seguito.

Adventure Comics (vol. III) #5

Written by Geoff Johns;
Art by Jerry Ordway; co-feature art by Francis Manapul;
Cover by Jerry Ordway; Variant cover by Francis Manapul
Concluding the 2-part BLACKEST NIGHT tale of Superboy-Prime! The Black Lanterns have forced Prime to face his deepest and darkest fears, but what – and who – are they? And how will Superboy-Prime strike back after this devastating attack?
Plus, Conner Kent faces off with Superman’s greatest enemy in an exciting co-feature by Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul. That’s right: Superboy confronts Lex Luthor!

DC Universe | 40pg. | Color | $3.99 US

On Sale December 9, 2009

R.E.B.E.L.S. (vol. II) #11

R.E.B.E.L.S. #11
Written by Tony Bedard;
Art by Claude St. Aubin and Scott Hanna;
Cover by Kalman Andrasofszky
BLACKEST NIGHT spreads across the galaxy! Super-genius Vril Dox might be the newest Sinestro Corps recruit, but Black Lanterns Harbinger and Stealth still hit the intergalactic renegade right where it hurts! And while we wish we could say that’s the absolute worst thing that happens to Dox in this issue… we can’t.

DC Universe | 40pg. | Color | $3.99 US

On Sale December 9, 2009

Superman #595

Written by James Robinson;
Art by Fernando Dagnino and Raúl Fernandez;
Cover by CAFU
Part 2 of Man of Valor! Metropolis gets a chance to see the new Mon-El in action. But now the stakes are raised even higher and the action escalates as Mon finally goes mano-a-mano against the Parasite! This is a battle that’s been brewing since Mon’s emergence on Earth and now it explodes into the streets and skies of the city.

Plus, with Mon-El’s secret identity publicly known, how will the Science Police react to him now that they know he’s been living among them all this time? All this plus the return of Natasha Irons and the fate of Steel!

Superman | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US

On Sale December 23, 2009

R.E.B.E.L.S. vol. 1: The Coming of Starro TP

Written by Tony Bedard;
Art by Andy Clarke, Claude St. Aubin and Scott Hanna;
Cover by Andy Clarke
In this new title collecting the first six R.E.B.E.L.S issues, Brainiac’s son Vril Dox must recruit a new team to free countless lives across a galaxy. And this time, he’s basing his new group on the greatest heroes and villains of the 31st century. But can Dox assemble his team fast enough to stop Starro from conquering the entire universe?

DC Universe | 144pg. | Color | Softcover | $17.99 US

On Sale January 20, 2010

Superboy: The Greatest Team-Ups Ever Told TP

Written by Bill Finger, Otto Binder, Jerry Siegel and others;
Art by Curt Swan, Al Plastino, John Forte and others;
Cover by Alan Davis
Superboy, the hero who would grow up to become Superman, battles evil alongside some of the world’s greatest heroes in this new collection. Features content from ADVENTURE COMICS #216, 253, 271, 280, SUPERBOY #55, 63, 80, 171, 182 and NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERBOY #13.

DC Universe | 168pg. | Color | Softcover | $19.99 US

On Sale January 20, 2010

Superman: Mon-El vol. 1 HC

Written by James Robinson, Richard Donner and Geoff Johns;
Art by Renato Guedes, Javier Pina, Pablo Raimondi, Jesus Merino, Eric Wight and José Wilson Magalhães;
Cover by Andrew Robinson
Following the startling events of NEW KRYPTON, Earth finds itself without Superman. Luckily, Metropolis still has heroes like Mon-El. But after years of knowing nothing but the solitude of the Phantom Zone, how will Mon-El acclimate himself to society? And the recently returned Guardian has his hands full with his new position in the Science Police. How can they fill Superman’s shoes? Collecting SUPERMAN #684-690, ACTION COMICS #874 and elements from ACTION COMICS ANNUAL #10!

DC Universe | 224pg. | Color | Hardcover | $24.99 US

On Sale February 3, 2010

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