Toronto Fan Expo ’09: “Rebuilding the Legion”

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Intervistato dal sito Newsarama, Dan DiDio, editor supremo del DC Universe, ha diradato le nebbie attorno alla logica di raccolta in volume delle “co-features”. Cioè della new wave di care, vecchie, backup stories, tra le quali sopravvive attualmente anche il comic della Legione:

Newsarama: Have plans been made on how the current back-up features in monthly issues will be collected in trade or hardcover format?

Dan DiDio: […] We will be collecting the second features separately, in most places. I think there will probably be, in regards to Green Arrow and Black Canary, they’ll be collected together because of how closely they tie together. But with some of the other books, like Blue Beetle and Manhunter and such, they’ll be collected independently. And then, on the rare occasion where the second feature might crossover with the lead feature, then that story will probably fall within both collections. At least that’s the discussion we’re having right now.

Pur non avendo molta voce in capitolo negli uffici di chi pianifica paperback e affini, DiDio ha fatto comunque capire che le cose non sono ancora definite in toto. Allo stato attuale delle cose, le storie d’appendice dovrebbero essere ristampate perlopiù in tomi dedicati.
Unica eccezione, eventuali casi di particolare commistione tra le feature di una stessa testata. E, a giudicare dalla lettura di “Adventure Comics” (vol. III) #1, si direbbe proprio che la serie dedicata alla Legione sia destinata a rientrare in questa seconda categoria.

Nel frattempo, al Toronto Fan Expo, il topic del rilancio legionario è stato toccato da DiDio anche nel corso della consueta conferenza “DC Nation”:

When the floor opened up to other topics, someone inquired whether there were plans to expand on the Legion of Superheroes?

“The problem with Legion of Superheroes is the big cast and my biggest personal problem was the lack of Superboy and the inspiration for the team,” offers DiDio. “That was so key to the origin and so key to so much going on there that without that, without Superboy to inspire the team, it lost its own purpose and just became a team. It was something set in the future, but it didn’t have a real tether to what was going on in the DC Universe currently. What we are trying to do is rebuild that time, rebuild that sensibility, and hopefully rebuild a Legion that is a strong powerful set of characters in the DC U again.”

In sostanza, credo che le intenzioni e l’idea di fondo siano lodevoli. Certo che, a 4 tavole per volta, la ricostruzione del franchise futuribile sarà estremamente lunga e dispendiosa…

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