La seconda ondata di solicitations DC Comics post-Flashpoint – ne trovate l’elenco completo a questo link – ha regalato una sfilza di sorprese, oltre che gradite, davvero inattese.
Proprio in questi giorni, infatti, in cui l’incombenza di una nuova continuity del DCU sembra mettere a rischio la storica permanenza di Superboy nella Legione, l’editore newyorkese ci promette per i mesi a venire una sfilza di volumi dedicati al Ragazzo d’Acciaio e al suo rapporto con il team futuribile.
La novità di maggiore rilevanza, la cui effettiva uscita è però prevista per il marzo del prossimo anno, è Legion of Super-Heroes Archives vol. 13 HC, ultimo tomo della riproposta cronologica deluxe delle avventure di Lightning Lad e soci, che i lettori aspettavano dal lontano 2003 (!).
Volendo cercare a tutti i costi il pelo nell’uovo, rispetto alla lista del materiale legionario in attesa di ristampa che trovate a questo link, l’Archivio salta purtroppo alcune storie fuori collana; tuttavia, l’entusiasmo per questo straordinario annuncio è tale da porre facilmente in ombra dettagli, pur importanti, come questo.
Sempre dedicati all’alter ego del giovane Clark Kent, da non perdere DC Comics Presents: Superboy’s Legion, che ripropone un amabile Elseworlds del 2011 di Mark Farmer e Alan Davis; The Steve Ditko Omnibus vol. 2 HC, che raccoglie alcuni episodi della Legione anni ’80 illustrati dal co-creatore di Spider-Man; DC Comics Presents: Superman Secret Identity, di Kurt Busiek e Stuart Immonen, che non riguarda l’equipe di eroi del 31esimo secolo ma rappresenta una delle storie più riuscite e toccanti sulla figura del Ragazzo del Domani.
Per il resto, come già accennato in questo articolo, ai due mensili Legion Lost (vol. II) (di Nicieza e Woods) e Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. VII) (di Levitz e Portela) si affiancherà in ottobre una miniserie in sei numeri sulla genesi del team futuribile, Legion: Secret Origin, scritta dal solito Paul Levitz e illustrata da Chris Batista.
Al primo numero della limited series sarà inoltre allegato, in promozione, una replica in plastica del mitico Flight Ring, – era ora, signor DiDio! – come dimostra questo addendum assente dalle solicits per il pubblico:
Retailers: Please see the Previews Order Form for a special offer on Legion of Super-Heroes promotional rings.
Da segnalare infine, oltre alla versione brossurata di Superman: Last Stand Of New Krypton vol. 1, la pubblicazione di due oggetti da collezione destinati ai soli fan più danarosi.
Il primo è DC Comics: The New 52 HC, cartonato monstre che raccoglie tutti i numeri uno della “first wave” di collane regolari DC post-Flashpoint; l’altro, a mio avviso più interessante, è DC Comics: The Number Ones Comic Cover Portfolio Set, album di litografie delle copertine dei 52 titoli in uscita a settembre.
Per ulteriori dettagli sui prodotti appena discussi, cliccate come sempre il link di seguito.
LEGION LOST #2 Trapped in time with two teammates already dead and unsure if they’re infected or can ever return home, the lost Legionnaires must confront the horrific reality about the pathogen released by the terrorist Alastor when they are forced to confront the very first Hypersapien! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale October 12, 2011 |
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #2 Taken hostage on a hostile world, the Espionage Squad is outmatched by a rebel leader that only one Legionnaire could possibly stand against – but Legion leader Mon-El may be outgunned as well! And just what does Brainiac 5 see in Glorith’s magic that could be a game changer for the Legion? DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale October 19, 2011 |
LEGION: SECRET ORIGIN #1 The architect of today’s Legion of Super-Heroes, Paul Levitz, delivers a science fiction odyssey on a scale you’ve never seen in a new, 6-issue miniseries! The broad strokes of the Legion’s origin are well known, but you’ve never seen the secret machinations that went on behind the scenes! Why was the organization known as the United Planets formed? Who tried to kill R.J. Brande the first time? And what great power could leave entire planets desolate and lifeless? Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad may have founded the Legion, but the story starts here! DC Universe | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US On Sale October 26, 2011 |
DC COMICS PRESENTS: SUPERBOY’S LEGION #1 A rocketship blasts away from an exploding planet and into the 30th century, where its passenger grows up to become Superboy, founder of The Legion of Super-Heroes! Reprinting the two-issue miniseries! DC Universe ! 96pg. | Color | $7.99 US On Sale October 19, 2011 |
DC COMICS: THE NEW 52 HC In September, DC Comic will launch 52 new #1 issues starring the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes! In December, to commemorate this incredible event, DC is collecting every one of these debut issues in a once-in-a-lifetime massive hardcover that includes: • JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee DC Universe | 1216pg. | Color | Hardcover | $150.00 US On Sale December 7, 2011 |
DC COMICS: THE NUMBER ONES COMIC COVER PORTFOLIO SET: THE FULL COLLECTION This September, DC Comics explodes with 52 new #1 issues! DC’s entire line of comic books starring the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes is being renumbered with new, innovative storylines featuring the most iconic of DC’s characters, helmed by the most creative writers and artists in the industry. Limited Edition. DC Universe | Portfolio | $129.99 US On sale October 5, 2011 |
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES VOL. 13 HC In these stories, collected from SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #224-233, the 30th century teens battle Stargrave, The Fatal Five and the intergalactic conspiracy known as The Dark Circle. DC Universe | 240pg. | Color | Hardcover | $59.99 US On Sale March 21, 2012 |
THE STEVE DITKO OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC Collecting tales by artist Steve Ditko from SHOWCASE #75, THE HAWK AND THE DOVE #1-2, MAN-BAT #1, DETECTIVE COMICS #483-485 and 487, ADVENTURE COMICS #467-468, LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #267, 268, 274, 276 and 281, OUTSIDERS #13, LEGENDS OF THE DC UNIVERSE 80-PAGE GIANT #1 and the TALES OF THE NEW GODS TP. DC Universe | 384pg. | Color | Hardcover | $59.99 US On Sale December 14, 2011 |
SUPERMAN: LAST STAND OF NEW KRYPTON VOL. 1 TP It’s New Krypton vs. Brainiac, the alien behind the annihilation of the original Krypton! Collecting SUPERMAN: LAST STAND OF NEW KRYPTON #1-2, ADVENTURE COMICS #8-9, SUPERMAN #698 and SUPERGIRL #51! DC Universe | 168pg. | Color | Softcover | $17.99 US On Sale November 9, 2011 |
Tags: Alan Davis, Chris Batista, Chris Sprouse, DC Comics Presents, DCU Reboot 2011, Elseworlds, Eric Trautmann, Fabian Nicieza, Francis Portela, Gadgets, Gerry Conway, James Robinson, Jim Lee, Jim Sherman, Jim Shooter, Joe Staton, Last Stand of New Krypton, Legion Flight Ring, Legion Lost (vol.II), Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Legion: Secret Origin, Mark Farmer, Mark Millar, Michael Netzer, Mike Grell, Paul Levitz, Pete Woods, Solicitations, Sterling Gates, Steve Ditko, Superboy I (Clark Kent), Superboy's Legion, Tom Feister