P.S. Purtroppo non conosco il nome dell’autore o dell’autrice del simpatico disegno in alto. Posso solo dire che l’ho recuperato a questo link, dove è proposto a corredo di una fan-fiction sulla Legione animata. Casomai dovessi scoprirne di più, sarà mio piacere editare questo messaggio per segnalare i dovuti credits. Nel frattempo, ancora auguri a tutti!
Tags: Auguri, Brainiac 5, Cartoons, Galleria d'Arte
The writer goes by the online name of PriestessOfNox. The picture goes with her fan fiction Changing Gears on fanfiction.net. It is a work in progress. It can be quite a wait between chapters. Her stories are enjoyable but have elements of slash in them.
thanks for the info!
did PriestessOfNox also draw the picture, too? it’s so cut i used it out of context to wish an happy easter to my readers.
I’m not sure I think it was done by another fan of her writings. It was either a gift or done as part of a little fan contest at the time. I learned it’s called: The Wishing Egg.
If you go to her profile the on fanfiction.net She has several links to many cute drawings of B5 and Superman (from the animated series) together in several drawings. Be warned though, she loves to write slash (gay) stories, is a big on B5 and Superman slash stories based on the Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st Century animated series. Where B5 seems to have big guy crush on Superman in the beginning of the series.
Most of her stories belong in the LoSH (animated) section of fanfiction.net but are posted in the LoSH (comics) but then most stories in LoSH (comics) section truly belong in the LoSH (animated) side of it.
If hetero-stories are more to your liking I suggest looking up on fanfiction.net Pan202, SaintAsh, Brainiac 5 (yes, she does uses that name on fanfiction.net) and Eleos Argentum (he is the only male writer of B5/Supergirl stories I have come across on the net, plus you will have to have his stories translated from Mexican to whatever language you prefer to read it in). Yes, I do mine own fan fiction too and have a reputation of writing some of the most “mature” stories in it on that website.
Oh! Yes, when it comes to Pan202, SaitAsh, Eleos Argentum and I. We openly admit we are Brainiac 5/Supergirl Shippers and we show it in our fan fictions.