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Questa settimana sarà di gran festa per tutti gli amanti della Legione. Non solo la checklist DC segnala l’uscita di “Superman” #687, ma a vedere la luce sugli scaffali dei comics shop sarà anche l’atteso numero 4 di “Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds”. In eccezionale anticipo rispetto al previsto. E’ come Natale, gente, come Natale!
Per celebrare tanta abbondanza, ecco un succoso antipasto di questi albi in dirittura d’arrivo… e non solo.

Il sito The Pulse ha pubblicato una graziosa intervista a Scott Koblish, inchiostratore titolare di “Legion of 3 Worlds”. Koblish non si sbottona sulla storia in sè, ma racconta del suo rapporto con il veterano penciler George Pérez:

THE PULSE: Speaking of, how was working on something like this different than inking George Perez on Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds?

KOBLISH: Both are great, I felt very lucky right now that I get to exercise such different muscles. The great thing I’ve learned from George, and from working with Stan Lee years before, is to really take responsibility for presenting the best work you can do. I’m very conscious of needing to do my best at all times, life’s too short.

THE PULSE: Agreed. What have you enjoyed the most about collaborating with George Perez on this project?

KOBLISH: George is just fantastic, what a stellar guy. Every time a Fed Ex box arrives, I can’t wait to tear it open and see what’s inside. I love watching how his brain works, and how he lays out the page. He accomplishes so much by partitioning the page into sections, all those concurrent and overlapping actions really add up to a great reading experience. The best example I’ve seen of what George does uniquely in comics replicated in other media is in the TV show 24; where the screen splits into sections, all depicting something different, but ostensibly happening at the same time.

George uses to his advantage the static depiction of time in comics – there really is no sense of time in a panel, it’s not like film, where you are yoked to the ruthless march of a set number of frames per second. In comics you can divorce your experience from the natural flow of time, freeze it, or show different sides to the same instant, and George does that really well.

THE PULSE: We talked about this before, but now that you have several issues under your belt and in print, how does it feel to be involved in this project, and see the fan response?

KOBLISH: Well, I’m becoming a little more confident with the work I’m doing. I still agonize over the millions of little choices I have to make when presenting a story, but I try not to let it slow me down. I’m always trying to learn, to get better, to stretch myself, get the job done, get it done to the best of my ability, and move on to the next thing.

Una splash page da Final Crisis Legion of 3 Worlds #3. Disegni di George Pérez e Scott Koblish. Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla

Una splash page da Final Crisis Legion of 3 Worlds #3. Disegni di George Pérez e Scott Koblish. Clicca sull'immagine per ingrandirla

MySpace Comic Books rilancia con un’anteprima di “Superman” #687, albo sceneggiato da James Robinson e felicemente illustrato dalla coppia sudamericana di Renato Guedes e Wilson Magalháes.
Dopo l’arrivederci dell’Uomo d’Acciaio a quel di Metropolis, c’è un nuovo sceriffo in città: Mon-El! Ma il ragazzo, pur volenteroso, ha ancora tanto da imparare sul difficile mestiere del supereroe. Riuscirà il nostro a mettere a frutto i consigli del suo mentore, il Guardiano?
Per godersi la preview, recatevi senza remore a questo link.

Infine, per restare in tema di anticipazioni, ecco qualche nuova tavola di “R.E.B.E.L.S.” (vol.II) ad opera di Claude St. Aubin, in aggiunta a quelle già mostrate da me in questo articolo. Tanto di cappello al blog Robot 6, ospite delle immagini. Occhio agli spoiler!
Attenzione, però. Il numero 4 dello spin-off legionario scritto da Tony Bedard sarà in vendita negli States solo il 13 maggio prossimo, mentre per il successivo bisognerà attendere il 10 giugno. Stay tuned.

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