James Marsters pronto per… Brainiac 5?

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Da sinistra: Tom Welling e James Marsters sul set di "Smallville"

Da sinistra: Tom Welling e James Marsters sul set di "Smallville"

Lo sfavillante sito IGN ha pubblicato un’intervista a James Marsters, attore californiano assunto agli onori del pubblico televisivo per il suo ruolo di Spike in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.
Marsters, classe 1962, ha anche intepretato la parte di Brainiac nel telefilm “Smallville”, che ha di recente visto protagonista di un episodio anche la Legione dei Super-Eroi. Proprio in luce del finale di quella puntata, che poneva le basi per l’avvento del personaggio di Brainiac 5, IGN si chiede se Marsters non possa approfittarne per prenotare in quelle vesti un ritorno in scena nel serial trasmesso da CW:

IGN: It’s been funny on Smallville this season, because Brainiac has been a presence, but you haven’t been a presence unfortunately.

Marsters: [Laughs] They’re sick of paying me so much money. They were very generous about offering me some money up front and something told me, “Yes, we’re going to work with you James for a good amount of time…” But if you notice, it’s been like that a lot. They talk about the character, but… It’s a good group of people, but I think that may be over.

IGN: Ah, so you don’t think there’s much of a possibility of returning?

Marsters: You know what, who knows? That series just seems to be immortal. It’s done so well. So if the future is long, I’m certainly open to it. If they need me, I’d love to come say hi to everybody. But at the same time, they may not need me. They’re very imaginative about how they do things.

IGN: The last time they had your character, in some form, they sent him off to the future to become Brianiac 5 – the good character from the Legion of the Superheroes.

Marsters: Oh, cool!

IGN: Yeah, it seemed like there was a door there for you to come back in a very different way.

Marsters: That’s cool! [Laughs]

IGN: [Laughs] I might be throwing you a curve ball here, but would that be something that would be fun for you, to play such a different take on Brainiac?

Marsters: Oh yeah. I think that would be wonderful. I would also like to go back and be evil for them too. It’s fun to be evil! It’s fun to play a robot who doesn’t really care and who’s only pretending to. But it would be fun to play a robot who actually did care at the same time…

Marsters non mi dispiacerebbe affatto come Brainiac 5 nel contesto di una Legione adulta, ma onestamente lo troverei davvero fuori luogo in mezzo al gruppo di teen-agers apparso in TV accanto a Tom Welling. Vedremo!
Approfitto dell’occasione per segnalare che l’anello della Legione donato a Clark ha fatto una nuova apparizione nell’episodio di “Smallville” trasmesso negli USA il 12 marzo scorso e intitolato “Infamous”.

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